So it has been quite awhile since I have updated the blog, so sorry! Well summer has come and is about gone, fall is right around the corner! We've had a good summer and enjoyed a few weddings, a trip to the beach and fun with family and friends. Our beach trip was Ava's first trip to the beach and she really enjoyed it! We went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in July for my family reunion. Victor was in his cousin's wedding in Oklahoma the same weekend we left for the beach, so Ava and I unfortunately couldn't make the trip for the wedding. Victor enjoyed seeing his family and then was able to fly to the beach for a few days with us! The rest of the summer has included a few firsts for Ava, she saw Boom's Day, a huge firework show here on Labor Day, and her first UT Football game.
Everything has progressed well with our soon to be new addition! We are having another girl and will name her Leighton Victoria Upshaw. She is due on November 20th so only about 9 more weeks to go! I've been feeling good and getting big! We haven't really taken any "belly bump" pictures this time around, but I assure you that I'm a lot bigger than I was with Ava! Everything is on track and I'm currently seeing the doctor every 2 weeks and will start weekly appointments when I reach 36 weeks next month. My thyroid fluctuated again this pregnancy but it's been regulated for several weeks now - I get the joy of getting lab work done every month to be sure. Ava is excited about being a big sister and knows that her baby sister is in my belly. She often hugs my belly and says she is "hugging her sister" which is so sweet. Victor, his mom and Bruce worked on painting our guest bedroom pink and we converted Ava's crib into a full size bed for her big girl room. She's done really well sleeping in her big girl bed and is enjoying her new room. We have most of Leighton's room ready, just a few last minute touches needed and a lot of organization with the clothes, bottles, etc. She better not decide to come early! We appreciate every one's thoughts and prayers throughout this pregnancy and we are so thankful God has been watching over little Leighton and our family!
Here are some pictures from this summer....
Victor's 28th Birthday |

Fun with cousins in Nashville |
For some reason, this keeps loading the wrong direction, sorry! |
This is how Ava smiles when we say "cheese" |
Liam and Ava at the beach |
Ava has curl in her hair :0) |
20 weeks |
30 weeks, the last picture is a foot |