Well I haven't been the best 'blogger'. But not much has been going on with the Upshaw's. We've just been doing our normal routine of work, daycare, Victor traveling, and enjoying our weekends as a family. I wasn't feeling very good last week and Victor was out of town during the day, so we didn't do a lot for Valentine's Day, just spent time with our family. We thought we might actually get some snow last week, but didn't. It has been an unseasonably warm winter so we've gone outside a little bit. Our new neighbors graciously offered to build a fence in our yard while they were doing theirs so we now have a fenced area for Ava to play. Ava got to try out a little slide Victor put in the back for her (see video below). While I do prefer warm weather, I wish it would snow just once so we could enjoy it before spring gets here. There's still the rest of February and March, right?!?
My posts are usually (ok, they all are) about Ava though. Soooo... here is what she's doing. Ava continues to grow and make us laugh by a new trick it seems like everyday. She is getting really good at speaking and tries to repeat everything. Victor has been out of town this week and she asks to call him and will take the phone and just speak gibberish non-stop to him, it is so cute! She also loves to dance and has been singing to the radio in the car which is pretty funny! Right now she has a bit of a cold but other than that she is doing good. Victor played in an indoor soccer tournament last weekend and I took Ava to watch him play. She loved it and was so excited to see him out on the field. She worked on her soccer skills too and seems to be pretty good for a two (well almost) year old. Speaking of that, we can't believe in just two months our little girl will be two! We are excited about her party this year because it will be on Easter weekend so we are going to do an egg hunt!
Here are some pictures and videos from the past month! Sorry about some of the videos being sideways, they are that way on our phones and don't know how to change them....
Ava loves Mommy's shoes |
Watching our fence construction |
All bundled up on a cold day. Sorry this is sideways, not sure what happened. |
Watching TV with her favorite shades. |
Driving in style... |
Matching pink toes |
Ava praying before dinner |
AWWWW, love the updates!!!!