Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A little late but Leighton is here!

Well it has been a long time since I've updated this, sorry! Well here it goes....

At my 39 week appointment I asked if I could schedule to be induced since Thanksgiving was so close to my due date. The 15th was his only available date so that was it. It was nice to be prepared and have Ava taken care of but it was a long day! We got there at 6:15 and everything started. At about 7:45 they started pitocin. Around 10:00 the doctor broke my water to move things along. I got my epidural right after that. We thought it would be a couple hours later that it would be pushing time but no. I was 10 cm around 4:30 but there was still a little part of my cervix needing to thin so it wasn't until 6:30 when the fun started. I pushed for about an hour then they turned my epidural off so I could push better. Leighton was coming out at an angle and things were getting difficult and close to having a c-section so they used the vacuum suction on her head and I got a pretty big episiotomy and she was finally out at 8:37pm! I was in a lot of pain since my epidural was wearing off and I could still feel my contractions. It was not fun but Leighton was here and healthy weighing in at 8 lbs8 oz and 23 inches long. She had a pretty big bruise on her head from the vacuum but healed quickly. Ava came and met her sister which was so sweet. We left the hospital after two nights and went home with our new addition. Leighton is such a good baby and very rarely cried for the first few weeks. Ava has been a good helper and over all done well despite a little mommy jealousy. We enjoyed celebrating the holidays as a family of four and especially having Victor home so much!

Leighton is now 10 weeks and is still a good baby. She's been sleeping 5-7 hour stretches at night recently which has been nice. I'm off work until February 19th and Ava goes to daycare during the week so Leighton and I have our time. It's been hard in my opinion having a winter baby with all the sickness going around, I've been paranoid! Everyone except Leighton came down with the stomach bug the week before Christmas which was not fun at all! Leighton has had a touch of a cold the past week but has been doing fine. Once that clears up she's going to make the transition to her crib.

Last Friday we had some snow and this Friday it's ice. So we've been stuck at home just lounging around. Ava was excited to stay home with us!

Here are some pictures from Leighton's arrival and after.....

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